Smoking and the pill?!

Question: Smoking and the pill!?
My boyfriend and I have been using condoms, but he hates them and sometimes we go unprotected because of that!.
I don't even really trust condoms all that much!. I want to go on the pill, but I smoke, and I heard that it's not a good combination, (I know, I know, I should quit, and I'm working on it, but I need contraception TODAY)!. are there other methods that aren't as bad with smoking like the IUD or nuva-ring or something!? are they expensive, because I have to get it without my parents finding out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I smoke and I have been on the pill for almost 6 years!. I have not had any problems (although I smoke less than 10 cigs a day)!. My doctor told me that it raises the risk for stroke x 40!. Taking an aspirin daily would help thin out your blood to reduce the chances of a blood clot or stroke!. The real risk isnt until your over age 35 though!.

You should be able to get birth control through your local health department pretty cheap!. They base it on your income and I dont think your parents have to find out!. You will have to be checked out by a doctor first and they could answer your questions!. Call your local health dept!. and see what kind of planned parenting services they offer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when i was on the pill, i smoked and i never had any problems!.!. go to your doctor, talk about the pill and about ways to quit smoking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

STOP having unprotected sex!!

I smoke and I took birth control for 3 years on and off!.(19-22) I ended up with phlebitis(swollen veins) in both legs, due to blood clots!. It was really painful!. I was also overweight, it made me get fit!. My legs are finally good, and really in shape, but I have spider veins and vaicroise veins!.
I've had other issues in the year since, having to do with hormones it seems to me!. A temporary thyroid problem, which makes me scared of what my thyroid is doing at this moment, since a cause was never found!. I have my period really frequently!. Going to see a gynecologist, hope she tests my estrogen!!

I can't take estrogen in birth control!. Estrogen is what would cause blood clots, with a higher chance if you smoke or are over 35!.

Progesterone only birth control options are Depo Provera, Progesterone only pills, and IUDs!.

My doctor says I can get Depo Provera only, saying, it will cause bone loss in 2 years, as a fact!. I refuse to take it!. She refuses to give me an IUD because I haven't had a baby!. But the Health Unit told me to ask my Doctor for one!.
So my Dr tells me, Condoms, when condoms fail, The Morning After Pill!.
Nice, eh!?
When it comes down to it though, it sounds like you really need birth control!.
Go to a Dr or Planned Parenthood or whatever and discuss your worries, find something that will work!. Having unprotected sex at all as a teenager is a horrible idea!. I am 23 and still cannot imagine having kids at this moment!. Taking care of myself is enough!. I am glad to have these problems over having a baby at 19, but it sucks to not be able to use it now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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