What causes a UTI or Yeast Infection?!

Question: What causes a UTI or Yeast Infection!?

what causes a UTI!?!?!?

what causes a yeast infection!?!?

how do you get them!.!.!.how do you prevent themWww@Answer-Health@Com

Both can have several causes!. Both can be caused by taking lots of prescription drugs, some are far more likely than others to cause these problems!. Hygiene can also be a factor in both!. Diet can make either easier to contract, but doesn't actually cause them!.

UTI's are often caused because people don't urinate as soon as they should (they "hold it" too long, too frequently) and don't empty their bladder when they do finally urinate!.

UTI can be prevented by addressing the above issues, as well as making sure you have plenty of antioxidants in your system!. Cranberry supplements are popular for this!. The pain from a UTI can be lessened by using AZO Standard, an over the counter medicine you can purchase at your local superstore/drug store!.

Yeast infections are a bit more complicated!. Address the above issues, particularly hygiene (not that this is the cause, but can help to keep from getting one)!. Research also indicates that using acidopholis (a probiotic supplement) can help reduce the chances of getting a yeast infection!. Acidopholis/probiotics can also be found in foods like yogurt!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Uti's are caused by bacteria entering the urethra, like when you wipe back to front and get fecal matter in your urethra!.

Yeast infections can be cause from douching, washing with strong soap, wearing very tight pants, using scented toilet tissue, etc!.

You prevent uti by keeping your urethra very clean and free from bacteria!. It is hard to say how to prevent yeast infections, as they have so many causes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

UTI is caused by bacteria entering your urethra!. it usually happens if you wipe from back to front after using the restroom and during sex, when rubbing causes some bacteria to enter the urethra!. UTI causes pain during urination and cloudy urine!. to prevent getting UTI, avoid wiping from back to front, urinate after having sex, regularly drinking cranberry juice or cranberry supplements!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It can be caused by wiping fecal matter into the urethra or from a build up of bacteria at the opening!. Sometimes sexual activity can cause this as well because the vaginal area can be prone to getting such infections!. One more thing would be holding in your urine for long periods of time!. If this is periodically done, a woman's bladder can become weak and some urine can be left behind causing extra bacteria in the urine to be left behind!.

The best way to prevent them is to be as clean as possible in your vaginal area!. Wiping front to back when you take a poop is the best to keep bacteria from building up!. Don't ever hold in your pee unless you absolutely have to and have protected sex!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeast infections are caused by yeasts, tiny organisms that exist virtually everywhere!. These types of infections often just happen!. The best way to avoid them is to keep vulnurable areas (groin regions)clean and dry!.

UTI's are caused by many differnet types of bacteria that can come from many sources!. Cleanliness and regularly washing groin areas, where bactertia can come in contact with the external points of the ureter is key!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wearing clothing (even panties) that are too tight can and will cause both of them!. you get both infections b/c of too much moisture down there, so for some women, those infections cam be as common as catching a cold!.

to prevent them :
make sure your clothing is loose enough for the vagina to get ventilation, and eat yogurt(for the yeast infection) and drink plenty of cranberry juice (for the UTI)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey you get yeast infection often because of mercury a yeast infection is the bodys way of getting rid of mercury selenium takes mercury out of the body go to ithyroide!.com click on other diseases then canididia theirs a natural cure for this selenium zinc folic acid may require lots of selenium 600mg thats how much i take this will stop the yeast infections must take selenium every day Www@Answer-Health@Com

stay clean , drink a lot of water, use soap, the doctor should give some strong antibiotics, and drink a lot of cranberry juiceWww@Answer-Health@Com

As far as I know, you can get it from holding in your urine for too long!.!.but I could be wrong!.
Also, I think from wearing unbreathable underwear like cotton is better!.!.
I hope this helps!.!.

You can get a yeast infection if you wear tight jeans that are up your crack!.
To prevent them don't wear tight jeans!. : )Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, my sister got hers becuase she had to much sex!.


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