Could I be pregnate????!!!!!!!?!

Question: Could I be pregnate!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!?
im 17 and me and my boyfriend have only had unprotected sex a couple of times but he pulled out way before he came!. we have never had a condom brake on us!. i can always tell when im about to start my period!. the day i was supose to i bled only that night then i didnt anymore!. the breast being sore thing when your pregnate i have that but my breast always got sore when i was on my period!. my face always breaks out when im going to start and my face did!. eating a lot i always ate alot before i start my period!. but im 5 days late!.!.!.idk if us having sex so often has been a reason for me to be late or if i am pregnate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First thing is first!. If you're going to respond negatively by remarking on her grammatical errors, just don't respond! It is as simple as that! Seriously, the girl is trying to ask a question, not get chastised for spelling words incorrectly or having unprotected sex!.

First, you just need to relax!. There's nothing you can do about it now if you are or aren't pregnant!. Since you're already 5 days late, take a home pregnancy test!. If you're pregnant, you're going to have to figure things out and decide what is best for you and your baby!. If you're not pregnant, let this be a learning experience and go straight to your gynecologist or your local planned parenthood to get birth control!.

Is there any particular reason as to why you're not on birth control!? If you're afraid of your parents finding out, planned parenthood is completely confidential!. Honestly, why deal with all the unnecessary stress that results from having unprotected sex!. If you're on birth control, you won't have to continuously worry about possibly being pregnant since you're periods will never be late!.

As for the pulling out method, which is affectionately called "pull and pray," it's not worth it!. I'm going to be honest though, I've been using the pull out method because I hated my birth control, Yaz!. I had one late period where I was VERY worried that I was pregnant!. However, I was fine!. I realized that I needed to find a birth control that worked for me because the stress of worrying about possibly being pregnant was too much to handle!. I'm now on Nuvaring and I love it!.

I was using the method for about 9 months but the whole time I was stressed a lot in between my periods, especially if my period was late!. The pull out method is not an effective method of birth control because a lot of men cannot pull out in time and also because of pre-***!. My boyfriend; however, would pee before and after sex, which eliminated any sperm left behind!. He also would pull out very very early and he had great control!. Also, I would not have sex during my ovulation period!. When you're ovulating, your cervical mucus will be like egg whites: wet and able stretch about 1-2 inches between your fingers!.

Check out this website about detecting your fertility through your cervical mucus

okay firstly stay calm, its only 5 days and worrying can delay the period starting!. your young a nd cycles change i would take a test if i were you just incase, for future referance pulling out does not work, guys have this lube which comes out when their having sex sometimes which has sperm in it he wont know it coming neither will u and condoms dont always work u need to be very careful!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sweetie, has anyone ever thoroughly taught you the billings method!?
Whilst I believe you should wait until after marriage, this is excellent for that too!.
So please learn to know your body!.
It is so, just too easy and every young lady and woman should!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes you could there is this thing called pre-***!. You don't even know it's been released and he doesn't either!. It contains sperm!.

Can I come to the baby shower!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

god i hope not ><" it would be terrible having you as a mother since even spell check can't help you write PREGNANT *rolls eyes*
get a home pregnancy test, u can take it any time
get on birth control tooWww@Answer-Health@Com

Pregnate!? I've no idea what that means!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is possible that you are pregnant!. Take a test and see what the result is!. It Sounds as if you could be as you are 5 days late!. I think also you should use protection if you are not ready for a family because if you are pregnant, it's not as if you were safe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the pull-out method does NOT WORK!. Sperm leak out before the guy c*ms!. Don't trust it! It's just the same risk whether he fully finishes or not!.
So I'd say there is a risk of it!. If your late, a pregnancy test will be accurate!. You can even use a dollarstore one!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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