I had unprotected sex. Am i pregnant?!

Question: I had unprotected sex!. Am i pregnant!?
almost 2 weeks ago i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend!. Im off birthcontrol!. He didnt feel himself *** until he was actually cumming inside and didnt have a chance to pull out!. 48 hours later i took the plan b pill!. 2 days i go i got my period!.!. when i get my period i usually have HORRRIBLE KILLER cramps!. this time i just woke up and didnt realize i was bleeding until i went to the bathroom!. My "period" has stopped!. it only lasted 2 days!.!.!. Am i by any chance pregnant!? May the plan b pill just messed up my cycle!? why didnt i get any cramps what so ever!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

According to the Plan B web site:

11!. Will I experience any side effects from Plan B?!?

When used as directed, Plan B? is safe and effective!. Side effects may include nausea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness or breast tenderness!. Some women may have changes in their period, a heavier or lighter next period, or a period that is early or late!. If your period is more than a week late, you may be pregnant!. If you have severe abdominal pain, you may have an ectopic pregnancy, and should get immediate medical attention!.

If it's been two weeks I would suggest taking a home pregnancy test, if it is positive go see your doctor to get a blood test done to be sure!. I took the Plan B pill once (like 5 years ago) and I was fine!.

I wouldn't stress too much!.!.!.stressing could be another reason why your period is acting strange!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hello (:
It is very good that you took the plan B pill afterwards!.
As for the reasoning to why your period was very calm and you didnt have horrible cramps and your period only lasting two days!.!. i think it had a lot to deal with the fact that you had taken the plan B pill as well as the fact that your period is different!.!.sometimes very random!.

Good luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

The best thing to do is to go to your doctor and he will give you a check, it is not only pregnancy you should be worried about girl!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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