can you get skinnier when you have your period?!

Question: Can you get skinnier when you have your period?
im a 12 year old girl whos 5"2 and i weigh like 120lbs ( boooooo)
:( :( well im not fat but i reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly want to loose like at least 5 pounds!!! im not a twig and i never have been but i really want to bring that numbe down! i was wondering if you can like actually get slimmer whenever u have your period????? ive been cutting back on what i have been eating, eating healthier stuff like fruits and vegetables, and hardly drinking any soda! ive been drinking mostly water except for juice and like an occasional soda( like calorie of caffine free btw) for like 3 weeks now and i really hope that im going to start seeing results! ive been trying to go outside and excercise everyday too!! any advise???


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You probably won't lose weight when you have your period, and most women feel bloated. Even though they might not have gained weight it feels like they have. I would suggest taking out soda completely, sugar free soda has chemicals in it that your body can't use and it ends up craving more sweet stuff anyways.
If you really want to lose weight just keep exercising and make sure you stay away fromm too much junk food. It's alright occasionally of course ;)

Had the same problem kiddo, I weighed 140 pounds when I was 12 and now I weigh 110 and I'm 15. What I did is I cut out ALL soda and ALL sweets. Over the Sumer before freshmen year. In the whole summer I lost 20 pounds. I ran every day and I made my own work out rutine and I used the wii fit which helped alot. I eat very little though during the day and ate a regular dinner. If u cut out fatty snacks and substitute carrots. Drink ALOT of water. And eat cellery because it has no calories. I also did the special k diet. And danced, not in a class, but just in my room or outside it helped so much! But u don't lose weight any better on your period then normal. Periods cause bloat. And you should be eating balanced diets on it because u r losing blood and lack of nutrition can make u light headed. Hope this helps(:

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