Do urinary tract infections always burn?!

Question: Do urinary tract infections always burn?
I feel like I am always in and out of the bathroom! I've surprisingly not had one since I was a small child, so I don't remember what they feel like. Also, do people go to their GP or their OBGYN to get tested for a UTI?


Hello. I've had many of them, and most of the time they do burn. But it is possible to have one, and not get the burning. I suspected i had one last year because i kept running to the bathroom every hour, but i didn't have any pain or burning, like i would usually get. I finally went to the doctor anyways, just to make sure, and i actually had a really bad UTI. That's when the doctor told me it's possible to have one, and never know it. I just go to my GP for a UTI. It's usually much easier to get a appointment with them. I would have to always wait weeks to get into my OBGYN. Take care :-)

They are absolutely the WORST, but generally not a huge deal

sometimes you can buy OTC meds for them and they'll work, they have never worked for me.. my regular doctor prescribes me something for them.. can't remember the name... but she gives me 2 prescriptions and i generally take like 3 or 4 pills and i'm fine.. then I have the rest incase I get another one...

I'd just go to your regular doctor and ask for a prescription. FEEL BETTER-they're the worse.

Always burn... always. Generally you would go to your PCP for that.

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