How many times a month is a woman oveaulating? (sp)?!


How many times a month is a woman oveaulating? (sp)?

sorry bout the spelling,

and like, how many times, and how do you tell if a woman is ovulating? is it her peroid?


Most women ovulate two weeks, or 14 days before their next menstrual period, so you should count backwards from the anticipated start of your next period. To figure it out, follow these easy steps:

1. Take the number of days in your usual cycle (from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next). For example, most women have cycles that last 28 days.
2. Then subtract 14. So, 28-14=14. You would ovulation around day 14 in this case.

A woman with a 32 day cycle, would ovulate around day 18 (32-14=18). Because the sperm live longer than the egg does, (sperm live 48-72 hours after ejaculation), it’s best to have intercourse before ovulation rather than afterwards. Following our example, a woman who ovulates on day 14 would have a good chance of getting pregnant if she has intercourse on either day 13 or 14.

For women with irregular cycles, one way to decide on the potential fertile period is by taking the shortest cycle and subtracting 16, then taking the longest cycle and subtracting 12. This would give the fertile time and allow for even more fluctuation in cycle length than usual. For example, the fertile period for a woman whose cycles vary from 27 to 33 days should be sometime between day 11 (27-16=11) and day 21 (33-12=21).

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