How do you develop the desire to eat right and exercise?!


How do you develop the desire to eat right and exercise?

I want to feel better and lose some pounds, and know I should change my eating habits and exercise, but I can't work up the desire to make it happen.


Hi, first stop thinking that you have to make huge changes all at the same time. Having the desire to do this is a must, because no one is going to be there to force you to do it. What is your motivation (better health, family, kids, work, sex, etc..) Maybe you want to just start teaching yourself better eating habits and portion control. I started by making sure that I was eating regular meals and not after 8pm (or two hours before going to sleep), and when eating out (which I do a lot) I tried to limit drinking soda first to one/day then one/week. Fitness training began with just getting up more often and moving inside my house/yard. Instead of sitting down to watch television, I would stand up and walk in place and doing stretching exercises. You have to figure out what works for you and your lifestyle.

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