Premenopause or just a wacky period??!


Premenopause or just a wacky period??

Hi there....I am 34 years old and am having some weird things going on...3 times in the past 4 years I have had a period that lasts about 30 days. Some days it is light, others it is heavy. I have in the last 6 months had really strange 2-3 day periods and then it stops. I have been having sweating when I sleep either night or afternoon and the headaches keep going. I went to the ob/gyn the last time and he told me that I need to be on hormones. I thought that I was just to young, but now I wonder. What do you think???


I am not a doctor, this I need to make clear, and am a woman. Now, I am a bit astonished at your ob/gyn's attitude. Why didn't he ask you to make a blood test that will give him the picture of your body's hormonal level. This is the best indicator if you are primenopausal or not. Long periods sometimes sign a fibroid in the uterus, has he examined you? Did he give you an ultrasound of your uterus? If the answer is yes, than I presume he is ok but if not, please change your doctor a.s.a.p and find someone who will check why you bleed the way you do, check your hormones and only then decide if you need hormones or not. Good luck.

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