Do any of you ACTUALLY get mood swings during your period?!


Do any of you ACTUALLY get mood swings during your period?

I believe that SOME women may be so affected by hormones during that time of the month that it makes them moody, but I think for the most part it's just an excuse to be mean to people.

The only thing that ever affects me is that sometimes I'll get cramps, but I take pain killers for it and I usually go for a run because exercise helps relieve the pain. I never experience moodiness. I don't understand that.

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3 weeks ago
I never said there aren't any women out there who get this. Re-read my very first paragraph! I just don't think it's as common as some people make it out to be and I think many women use it as an excuse.

3 weeks ago
quit making it out like i said it never happens. i didn't. i'm just saying i think there are plenty of women out there that do use it as an excuse and i just wanted to hear your opinions. it was no reason to insult me.

3 weeks ago
Wackoteen, i used to get cramps like that where no medicine would help and it would hurt so badly that i would just curl up in a ball too. but when i was around 16 years old i was put on the pill for ovarian cysts. the pill also helped my cramps and now they're rarely as bad as they were before i was on it. if you haven't already tried this, you might want to.


Trust me it happens!!

I sometimes just yell at people (siblings!! I dont let it go out of my home). I can hear myself doing it and saying it, and cringe at myself, but just cant help it. I just have a really short fuse at that time of month, and also get emotional very easily.

If it doesn't happen to you then think yourself lucky.

I can see what you mean though about people using it. They probably do - personally, i try not to let it affect people outside my home (which might seem mean, but surely my family should understand?!)

But think yourself does happen!

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